Payment Methods:
1. FPS -- FPS account: 100757335 Company Name: Gfoto Limited ** Please provide the full name of the payer in English for verification of the payment. (After payment, please send the payment receipt to Gfoto Limited by email: or whatsapp: 9122 5418, please write down your order number, your name and contact number on the payment receipt) 2. Bank Deposit -- Bank Deposit [ATM or Online bank transfer only (No Bank counter deposit & Remittances not accepted)]: Bank: Hang Seng Bank Account Number: 371-210253-668 Company Name: Gfoto Limited ** Please provide the full name of the payer in English for verification of the payment. (After payment, please send the payment receipt to Gfoto Limited by email: or whatsapp: 9122 5418, please write down your order number, your name and contact number on the payment receipt) 3. By cheque -- Cross cheque should be made payable to Gfoto Limited. Mailing to Gfoto Limited, Workshop No. 4, 12/F, Hung Tat Intustrial building, No. 43 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kwloon, Hong Kong. 4. PayDollar on line Visa/Mastercard payment For all the orders, you are required to make the payment online using VISA or MasterCard. The online transaction processing is provided by PayDollar using the highest commercially available encryption technology - 128-bit SSL encryption. All confidential information is automatically encrypted before it is transmitted, to protect the data from being read and interpreted. 付款方法: 1. 轉數快 -- 轉數快號碼: 100757335 賬戶名稱: Gfoto Limited **請提供款人之英文全名, 以便核對款項 (入賬後, 請把存款訊息電郵到gfotopolyu28th@gmail.com或whatsapp: 9122 5418, 並請註明訂單編號、姓名及聯絡電話) 2. 銀行入賬 -- 請將款項存入以下銀行戶口 [只限自動櫃員機或網上轉賬 (不設銀行櫃台入賬及不接受匯款)]: 銀行名稱: 恒生銀行 戶口號碼: 371-210253-668 賬戶名稱: Gfoto Limited **請提供款人之英文全名, 以便核對款項 (入賬後, 請把存款存根電郵到gfotopolyu28th@gmail.com或whatsapp: 9122 5418, 並請註明訂單編號、姓名及聯絡電話) 3. 支票 -- 劃線支票抬頭: Gfoto Limited 郵寄地址: 九龍觀塘鴻圖道43號鴻達工業大廈12樓4室 (請在支票背後註明訂單編號、姓名及聯絡電話) 4. 網上信用咭付款 (Visa/Mastercard)
網上資料保安一直是本公司極為重視的課題,我們絕對明瞭閣下對此的嚴格要求, 因此承諾不斷努力,採取有效的措施,保障閣下的個人資料與交易細節。 我們的網上付款服務由PayDollar提供, PayDollar運用多項先進及國際認可的 網上保安技術及措施,加強閣下個人資料及交易的保密性,令您使用服務時能安枕無憂。 | PayDollar採用現時商界中最高效能的保密技術 - 128-位元 SSL 保安系統,確保所 有機密資料在輸送前已自動加以密碼保護,在傳送過程中不會受干擾或被截收。 |