Privacy policy
Gfoto.hk is strongly committed to protecting your privacy. We use the personal data we collect on the site for various purposes. Use of such personal data will help us to add more products and services of interest to you and also to ensure that your shopping experience with us is an enjoyable and personalized one. Please read on for more details on our policies and practices in relation to personal data:
Our Pledge:
We pledge to meet fully, and where possible exceed, in complying with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong). In doing so, we will ensure compliance by our staff with the strictest standards of security and confidentiality.
What information do we collect, and how do we use it?
Types of personal data that may be collected or held by us include:
   1. name;
   2. contact details including telephone number, fax number, address, email address, pager number, etc.;
   3. identity card number;
   4. occupation;
   5. age;
   6. nationality;
   7. marital status;
   8. education level;
   9. monthly income;
  10. results, records and accumulative progress from visiting interactive content;
  11. inquiries, suggestions or opinions;
  12. interests and preferences;
  13. computer operating system and details of internet service providers;
  14. credit card number if you place an order with us.
We collect personal data about you from various types of sources and hold such personal data for the following purposes:
   1. sending information in relation to our products and services, activities, competitions, promotions and events;
   2. marketing and promotional purposes for us, our vendors and business partners and other selected companies;
   3. joint marketing schemes with other parties;
   4. customizing the advertising and content you visit so as to streamline your shopping experience at our site and to provide personalized marketing and promotional information;
   5. fulfilling your orders for products and services, order processing and payment clearing;
   6. responding to your inquiries;
   7. membership registration and offering benefits and privileges;
   8. collecting statistical information, conducting analysis and providing anonymous reporting for internal and external clients;
   9. conducting surveys relating to our customers, products or services;
  10. evaluation and further enhancement of our products and services;
  11. fulfilling any purpose directly related to the above purposes.
The provision of such personal data is voluntary.
Ordering information:
When you place an order with Gfoto.hk you will be asked to provide details such as credit card number and shipping address. This allows us to process and fulfill your order and to notify you of your order status.
Contests and Promotions :
We may from time to time organize or host contests and promotions and in doing so ask for information including your name, email and mailing address, telephone number and customer preferences. We'll use this information to notify you if you've won a contest, and to help shape our future contests or promotions.
Protection of Information.
Gfoto.hk is committed to protecting your privacy. We use sophisticated encryption technology and secure servers to keep your personal information (including your name, email and mailing address, phone number, credit card information and purchase history) safe. All your ordering information is protected during transmission by using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which encrypts the information that you input so it can't be read in transit. In addition, the customer data we collect is protected against unauthorized access. We may contact you to verify the accuracy of the information supplied when opening your account.
Access and update of Information
You may check whether we hold any of your personal data and, if so, may also request access, update, correct or request a copy of your personal data held by us by e-mailing to contact@gfoto.hk. We may take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or permitting corrections to your personal data.
We will endeavour to respond within 60 days of your request in compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
A reasonable fee may be charged to cover our administrative costs.
Please note that we will not retain your personal data longer than necessary.
Your consent
By using our website, you consent to the collection and use of your personal data in a manner consistent with these privacy guidelines. If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page, so you will always be aware of our policies and practices in relation to personal data.
Further Information:
If you have questions about this statement, please contact one of our customer care representatives. You may contact our customer service representatives via e-mail to: contact@gfoto.hk.
Policy as of  October 2008.
GFoto 網站承諾致力保護你的私隱。我們透過此網站所收集你的資料用以幫助我們提供更多更適合你的產品和服務,確保你在Gfoto 網站有個人化及愉快的購物經驗。請繼續閱讀以下之私隱及有關個人資料的處理。
   1. 姓名;
   2. 聯絡資料包括電話號碼、傳真號碼、地址、電郵、傳呼號碼,等;
   3. 身分證號碼;
   4. 職業;
   5. 年齡;
   6. 國藉;
   7. 婚姻狀況;
   8. 學歷;
   9. 收入;
  10. 瀏覽互動內容的結果、記錄及累積記錄;
  11. 詢問、提議或意見;
  12. 興趣及喜好;
  13. 電腦操作系統及網上服務供應者的資料;
  14. 信用卡號碼 (如你曾經訂購我們的產品)。
   1. 發出與我們的產品及服務、活動、比賽、推廣及項目有關的資訊;
   2. 有關與本公司、本公司之供應商、業務伙伴及其他特選商號之市場推廣;
   3. 與其他合作伙伴合作之市場推廣;
   4. 務求令你透過此網站購物時有度身訂造及愉快的購物經驗,並提供個人化的市場推廣資訊,我們會剪裁網頁的廣告與內容;
   5. 以完成你對我們的產品及服務、訂單處理及的付款結算的要求;
   6. 回應你的查詢;
   7. 會藉登記,優惠和獎賞的提供;
   8. 搜集統計資料、進行分析及提供不記名報告予內部及對外的客戶;
   9. 進行與客戶、產品或服務有關的調查;
  10. 對產品及服務質素進一步提升作出評估;或
  11. 達到任何與以上所述有直接關連的目的。
當你在Gfoto 網站訂購時,我們需要你提供其他資料如信用卡資料及送貨地址等,可讓我們能處理 你的購物及通知你訂單的狀態。
我們會不定時舉辦一些比賽或推廣活動,屆時需要你提供姓名、電郵地址、平郵地址、電話號碼 及購物取向等,可令我們能通知閣下比賽的勝負及改善將來再舉辦的比賽及推廣活動。
Gfoto 網站承諾保護你的個人資料。我們使用先進加密科技及安全的伺服器,以保障閣下的個人資料安全(包括姓名、電郵地址、平郵地址、電話號碼、信用卡資料及購買紀錄)。當你傳送你的訂購資料時,我們的SecureSocketLayer(SSL)能避免你的資料在傳送時被第三者看到。此外,我們也不容許未經授權而讀取顧客的資料。當你登記帳戶時,我們或會聯絡你以證實使用者所提供的資料是真確的。
當你使用我們的網站時,你同意我們按上列所述的私隱政策般,收集並使用你的個人資料。 如果私隱政策有任何修改,我們會在這頁張貼出來,令你能盡快知道我們如何收集、 使用及在甚麼情形下公開你的資料。
如果你有任何與上述私隱政策有關的問題,歡迎致電我們的客戶服務主任,電郵至contact@gfoto.hk 。

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