Terms of Use
Welcome to Gfoto.hk! To ensure a safe, enjoyable environment for all of our users, we have established our Terms of Use. They spell out what you can expect from us and what we expect from you. Please note that by accessing any area of Gfoto.hk, you agree to be bound and to abide by these Terms of Use. We also strongly advise you to see our full privacy policy statement. Gfoto.hk is owned and operated by Gfoto Limited. Any reference in these Terms of Use to Gfoto Limited shall include reference to Gfoto Limited and their respective employees and agents.
Order Terms
Our order terms are contained in the Help page under the sections headed Ordering and Shipping and Delivery. All orders are subject to these order terms in addition to these Terms of Use.
Our trademarks, service marks and copyright
The following trademarks and service marks belong to Gfoto Limited or its affiliates and all rights in them are reserved: Gfoto Limited. These and other graphics, logos, service marks and trademarks of Gfoto Limited may not be used without the prior written consent of Gfoto Limited.
Use of Site
This site may currently only be used as a shopping resource or to conduct on-line communications. You may not distribute or commercially exploit the site or any part of its content (whether by reproduction, retransmission, dissemination, sale, broadcast, circulation, republication, amendment, re-delivery using "framing" or similar technology or otherwise). Any use of the on-line communication features of this site may only be used for lawful purposes and you may not post or transmit any material which is objectionable (whether harmful, threatening or otherwise); Gfoto Limited reserves the right (but without the obligation or liability) to prohibit or remove any such material.
The site and its content are provided on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied (except only as may be implied by applicable law). Gfoto Ltd. is only providing a venue for the sale of products on its site and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages (including damages for loss of profit or intangible loss related to your use of the site or use of any of the products purchased at its site). Please read all information, warranties or warnings provided by the manufacturer owner or seller of the products on or in the product packaging and labels before using any product purchased on Gfoto Ltd.. Gfoto Ltd. shall not be liable for the accuracy, fitness for a particular purpose or quality of such products or reliability of any information provided by any manufacturer owner or seller of such products and it is your responsibility to evaluate such information.
Although Gfoto Ltd. uses reasonable efforts to have the colors of the images of its merchandize displayed as accurately as possible on the site, we do not warrant that the color will be accurately displayed by your monitor.
Indemnity and Limitation of Liability
You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Gfoto Ltd. from and against all losses, expenses, damages and costs (including reasonable legal fees) arising from any breach of these Terms of Use or any other activity by you in connection with your use of the site. You further agree that Gfoto Ltd. shall not be held liable howsoever for your use of the site and you agree to waive all claims that you may have against Gfoto Ltd. for any loss or damages you may sustain in connection with your use of the site. In the event that this disclaimer is unenforceable, the total liability of Gfoto Ltd., if any, for losses or damages shall not exceed the fees you paid for the particular service or product upon which liability is based.
Our Privacy Policy
You agree to our use of information about you as described in our privacy policy.
Gfoto.hk may terminate or suspend your access to all or part of the site, without notice, for any conduct that Gfoto Ltd., in its sole discretion, believes is in violation of any applicable law or is harmful to Gfoto Ltd. or a third party.
Gfoto Ltd. may deliver notices to you by means of electronic mail, a general notice on Gfoto Ltd. or by post. You may give notice to Gfoto Ltd. at any time by means of electronic mail to Gfoto Ltd.
Modification of Terms
These Terms of Use (including the order terms contained in the Help page) may be modified from time to time. You should therefore read these Terms of Use and the order terms before you place any order.
Governing Law
These Terms of Use (including the order terms contained in the Help page) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. You irrevocably agree that the courts of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any claim or dispute concerning or arising from these Terms of Use and the order terms.
These Terms of Use were last updated on October 2008
歡迎瀏覽Gfoto Ltd.,為了使你獲得安全和愉快的購物經驗,我們列明以下的使用條款, 使你更明白我們對雙方的期望。請留意,當你瀏覽Gfoto Ltd.任何一個網頁,代表你已接 受並遵守這些條款。我們更建議你仔細閱讀我們的私隱政策聲明。
我們的訂購條款可於常見問題.訂購及運送條款處找到,所有的訂購行為皆需遵守 這些條款及使用條款。
以下的商標及服務標誌Gfoto Limited, 他們保留所有追討的權利。Gfoto.hk內所有圖片、設計、標誌、服務標誌及商標,皆不可在 沒有Gfoto Limited的允許下作任何的用途。
本網站目前只用作提供網上資訊及作為購物媒介用途。網站上的所有內容不得分發作任何商業用途, (包括重製、傳送、散播、出售、播放、發行、重刊、改寫、或以相同的格式或技術再傳遞)。本 網站信息溝通內容只可在合法途徑下使用,所有違反(任何具傷害性及恐嚇性)本網站條款的資料 皆不得張貼及傳送,Gfoto Limited保留權利(但沒有義務及責任)禁止及移除這些資料。
此網站及其內容是在現有資料的基礎上提供,Gfoto .hk只提供網上購物之場所因此我們並不會因網站 內容或因使用網上所購之產品所引起的任何損失而作直接、間接、意外、衍生性的及懲罰性的損害賠償 (包括金錢利益及無形的損失)及負上法律責任(除了法律上已隱含的的條例)。使用在Gfoto .hk購買 的產品之前,請小心閱讀由製造商,貨主或賣家提供在產品上或包裝內的產品資料、用法及注意事項, Gfoto .hk並不會對這些製造商,貨主或賣家提供資料的準確性,對某特定用途之適用性,品質及可靠性 負上任何責任,故在使用之前最好仔細分析這些資料。
雖然Gfoto.hk已盡最大的努力顯示產品的真實面貌及顏色,但我們不能擔保閣下的電腦能準確顯示 出來。
若你在使用Gfoto.hk時,因閣下違反訂購條款或任何行動而令GfotoLimited招致損失,你同意賠償及彌償 Gfoto Limited的損失、支出、毀壞及費用(包括合理的法律費用)。你同意Gfoto Limited不會為你因使用本網站而 招致的損失,負上任何法律責任,也同意放棄追究Gfoto Limited任何賠償。如果此項聲明不適用於個別的例子, Gfoto Limited的責任不會超過你在本網站購買產品或服務所付出的金額。
當我們發現有任何危害Gfoto.hk 、第三者或違反法律的行為, Gfoto Limited 有權在不預先通知的情況下,暫停或 終止任何人進入本網站的所有或部份網頁。
Gfoto Limited 會透過電郵、網頁張貼及郵遞方式,把通告傳送給你。你也可利用電郵給我們。
這些使用條款(包括支援內的訂購條款)將會在有需要的時侯作出修改,故閣下在本網站購物之前,請先詳細 閱讀使用條款及訂購條款。
這些使用條款(包括支援內的訂購條款)將受香港的法律監管及按香港特別行政區的法律理解,你同意香港特別行政區法庭對於任何 關於使用條款及訂購條款的爭論及追討有專有的審判權。 網站中的中英內容(包括所有私隱政策及使用條款)如有任何差異,概以英文版本為準。

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